lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

My weakness: Shyness

I’m really, really shy sometimes. Since I can remember it’s always been difficult to me to get along with new people, consequently I don’t have tons of friends. Nevertheless, the ones I have are amazing.
Therefore, being shy makes me not to have a lot of friends, I’m not outgoing, it is hard for me to be in places with unknown people and usually people think that I don’t want to talk with them because I’m mad or something like that, although the truth is that I’m just shy.
According with the dictionary shyness is being anxious, fearful and shrunken pretty much all of the time. Even though I’m not that shy, this fits me just sometimes, for example; if I met you two weeks ago and if we are both alone in a park I’d rather walk away than talk to you, firstly, because  I´m not good with people and secondly because I know that it would be awkward. You see? But if I had met you like three months ago we would probably have a great time.
I think that the right way to overcome this weakness is being a little bit more outgoing, having more confidence to myself, stop thinking that there’s a big chance for me to say/do something stupid and lastly to smile to strangers, well, not to all of them.         

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