viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

Everything You Need To Know About Google Glass

These little friends are a wearable gadget that gives you the first-person’s view of the experience, made possible by you guessed it, Google Glass.

Here are a couple of things that you should know about this upcoming gadget: 

1.       Tiny (but powerful) hardware:
It’s amazing how the Project Glass team has managed to squeeze all of its features into a tiny ‘computer’ supported on a lightweight yet strong frame.
Google Glass is packed with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, speakers, a camera, microphone, touchpad and possibly a gyroscope that detects head-tilts. Then there’s the main piece, a tiny screen the size of your finger that shows you all the information you need at your fingertips.

2.       Heed my command!:

Well, all that hardware is put to good use: Google Glass has voice input, which makes everything a lot more interesting. The built-in microphone combined with Google Now connects you directly to the search engine.
You activate Google Now by saying "Okay Glass" then send a command or question. Tilting your head up does the same thing.
You can take a photo or record a video, all by just saying the command for it – more on that, later. On the right, is a touchpad where you can swipe through, to get to menus; tapping, registers your selection.

3.       Life pauses for no one:

Google Glass users can now live in the moment, and keep that memory in pictures or videos. No more foraging around for a camera, tuning the settings of your photo apps, and letting the moment go by without a single snap. Just say, "Take a Photo" and your view at the moment is captured, hands-free. Imagine the possibilities.
Other than photos, you can do the same with videos, which spells opportunities for extreme sports, real-life tutorials and more. Of course, picture quality coming from a device this small would not be comparable to a DSLR camera, but oftentimes, you’d rather not lose out on the moment.

4.       Never get lost again:

Since it’s built with a GPS chip, it’ll be able to help you navigate, with help from Google Maps. This will take away the need to look down at your smartphone and it will be especially handy when you are driving, when you’re walking through crowded streets or when you’re hiking through the countryside.
Travellers, backpackers and even long distant cyclists won’t have to stop and check on where they are. In fact, this is the perfect example of augmented reality.

5.       Always be on call, literally

With Glass being able to record videos, it can also act as a webcam with the data connection from your home or smartphone. You can use Google Hangout for a group conference, and still do what you need to do without being confined to a desk.

6.       Blend in with the locals:

If you have read this recap on Awesome Things Google Search Can Do For You, know that you can do all of this on Glass as well. What’s the difference? Think about travelling and visiting a place where you don’t speak the local language.
You can now convert the currency rate, understand the measurement system (metric or not), or translate your questions and their answers on the spot. Get the fun facts, best drinking spots, and gain access to the local secrets when you are still there, not when you are back in your apartment looking through vacation photos.

7.       Live from the field:

Live information that is shown to you would come from the predictive software of Google Now. On Android’s Jelly Bean, Google Now knows when you’re leaving your home for work and can warn you of bad traffic before you get stuck in it.
You can also set your favorite sports team and it’ll give you the latest news, scores and updates from the team, whenever they play.

8.       Still elusive but almost here:

Google first made Glass available to developers during the Google I/O conference. At the time, it was priced at $1,500 and word has it that it will still be within that price range when it is finally released end of this year.
More recently, participants of the #ifihadglass competition can get an opportunity to buy Glass if they give the most creative Tweet or Google+ comment. For the rest of us, we’ll just have to wait until they iron out the rough edges before we can put on a pair.

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