viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

English around the world UK/Canada/USA

1.    Interesting facts:
·         In the UK is cold/rainy pretty much all the time
·         British people love tea and baked beans
·         Football is quite popular
·         Everybody hangout on pubs
·         Is the second biggest country in the world
·         They have tons of maple syrup
·         There’s hotels made of ice in winter
·          Is cold pretty much all the time
·         There’s a whole world under de city
·         Pretty much everything is expensive
·         They have weird classes on their universities
·         The celebrate Thanksgiving, Halloween, St. Patrick day, and another things

2.    Which was the most difficult accent to understand? Why?
I could understand all of the accents very well, but when the girl from England spoke directly to me I couldn’t understand anything, maybe because I was nervous fo talking to her or something like that.

3.    Which was your favorite accent? Why?
I totally loved the British accent but I don’t really know why, maybe because I spend tons of time watching British youtubers and finally have the chance to heart live was amazing.  

4.    Do you think it’s important to have an accent? Why?
I don't really think so, as long as we can communicate with each other is fine for me.

5.    If you had an accent which accent would you have, why?
I`d love to have a British accent because I love the British culture, I know that I will never have it but I can do a pretty good impression.  

6.    Is it important to understand every single Word the speakers say?

No every single word, but is important to understand the most of the words spoken during a conversation to have a good communication.  

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