lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013

The Hunger Games movie review

The Hunger Games is a science fiction, action and drama film. Directed by Gary Ross and based on the best-selling novel of the same name written by Suzanne Collins. Starring by Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss), Josh Hutcherson (Peeta),  Elizabeth Banks (Effie), Liam Hemsworth (Gale) and Woody Harrelson (Haymitch).

Twenty four kids killing each other to be able to go back home, sounds crazy, right?  Well, this is where the story takes place, a country named Panem, where poor people starve to dead and rich people are just rich.
 I know that you´re probably a bit tired of all this saga stuff going through the cinemas these days, but I can tell you that this is different.                                    This is the way it goes, the story takes place over some kind of weird future where all of the U.S.A has become a totalitarian state known as the Panem. This country consists of a rich Capitol and twelve districts. As punishment of a rebellion each year, a boy and a girl from each district, between twelve and eighteen, are selected by lottery and forced to participate in the "Hunger Games”. The Games are a televised event where the participants, called “tributes”, must fight to the death in an outdoor arena until only one remains. The winning tribute and the appropriate district will receive great wealth and food respectively.  Yup! That’s different, nothing of wizards or werewolves.

There are tons of things that we can discuss about the film, but I’d like to talk about the main star, miss Jennifer Lawrwnce. This lovely twenty three years old lady makes and amazing work giving life to Katniss Everdeen, honestly, what could we expect from an Academy Award Winner?                                                             
I’m not saying that the rest of the cast isn’t good, but her development through the story is (sorry, I have to say it again) just amazing. Even so, she gave a bit too much emotion in some scenes and zero emotion in other ones.

Another aspect from the film that I’d like to discuss is the camera direction, which I’ll have to describe as awful. In some scenes you can´t totally see anything, I’m pretty sure that that was the director´s work and maybe he was drunk or something, but it was really, really, really awful.

What can I say? I loved the book and the film; I can tell you that it’s a really good adaptation and it will make you be on the border of your seat for almost two hours, if you want to see some adventures, romance and blood this is the movie for you.

Just in case you wanted to know a bit more about the story of the film here is the trailer :)

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